Secreted antigen A {90000725}

Record Keys

Parent:[  ]
Secreted antigen A
Queue:[  ]


Initialisation date:[  ]
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Meta Information

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Shared Reference Notes

  • [1.1] [#Muramyldipeptides
    - MDPs generated by SagA could also increase anti-tumor immunity and improve #Cancer immunotherapy outcomes
  • [#Enterococcus faecium] [#Peptidoglycan] - E. faecium protects the gut from infections by releasing a hydrolase enzyme called secreted antigen A (SagA), which is involved in remodeling its cell wall. - SagA breaks down peptidoglycans, the main component of the E. faecium cell wall, to produce small fragments called #Muramyldipeptides. - These MDPs activate receptors known as NOD2 in the host’s immune cells, leading to improved immunity in the gut.

References Notes

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Common References

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